Concerts in February 2011

Want to enjoy some concerts in February? You can find a list of concerts this month.
These concerts are at Palau de la Musica. More information about the concerts in February.



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Date Time Event Room
30/01/2012 to 03/02/2012 10:00 and 11:30 REBOMBORIAudiciones for Kids: Growing up with music Rodrigo Room
03/02/2012 19:30 VALENCIAAbono ORCHESTRA Winter 2012 Sala Iturbi
08/02/2012 19:30 GOOD FRANCISCO CAMEJOLas Parallel Arts Rodrigo Room
10/02/2012 19:30 VALENCIAAbono ORCHESTRA Winter 2012 Sala Iturbi
12/02/2012 19:15 VALENCIASociedad Philharmonic ORCHESTRA Valencia Sala Iturbi
13/02/2012 to 17/02/2012 10:00 and 11:30 ELECTROMÚSICASAudiciones for Kids: Growing up with music Rodrigo Room
17/02/2012 19:30 VALENCIAAbono ORCHESTRA Winter 2012 Sala Iturbi
18/02/2012 18:30 EUROPE GALANTEAbono Winter 2012 Sala Iturbi
20/02/2012 to 21/02/2012 10:30 and 12:00 MUNICIPAL BAND VALENCIAAudiciones for students Banda Municipal de Valencia Sala Iturbi
23/02/2012 20:00 OV Series: The Orchestra Thursday (IV) cycle OV Sala Iturbi
24/02/2012 19:30 VALENCIAAbono ORCHESTRA Winter 2012 Sala Iturbi
27/02/2012 to 02/03/2012 10:00 and 11:30 MUSIC FOR A EXPOSICIÓNAudiciones for Kids: Growing up with music Rodrigo Room
28/02/2012 19:30 Consuelo Ciscar CASABÁNLas Parallel Arts Sala Martin y Soler

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